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House of Encounters

About Us

RIG stands for Restoring Issachar’s Generation. Issachar was the tribe who, in 1 Chronicles 12:32, knew times and seasons and knew what Israel ought to do. Because of this prophetic grace endowed upon this tribe to know times and seasons coupled with the apostolic grace of knowing what to do, this tribe became the commanding tribe within Israel. RIG church exists to restore this tribe within the church. We believe in the necessity of the fivefold ministry of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher, but that without the Apostolic and Prophetic ministry gifts, then the church has no influence and therefore no command.


RIG GLOBAL DFW is an apostolic and prophetic community of believers, belongers, and builders committed to raising a generation of believers who are passionate about encountering God. We believe in the power of the word, worship, prayer, and the prophetic to transform lives and communities.


Our mission is to create a space where people can come together to seek God, grow in their faith, walk in their callings and gifts to edify the body of Christ, shift culture, and impact the world around them.​ We are committed to raising an army of apostolic and prophetic warriors whole and holy. This army will Believe, Belong, and Build the Kingdom.


The Vision of RIG is to restore the apostolic and prophetic ministry back into the Body of Christ and to equip this generation to be in a position and condition for use by God, as we raise an army that will influence all facets of culture through the apostolic and the prophetic.


There is a river whose streams make glad the City of our God (Psalm 46:4),

Our mission as RIG GLOBAL DFW is not to become the river but to share our stream (our part) in that river. Every church is a stream that makes up the river; our stream as RIG GLOBAL DFW is to Restore Issachar’s Generation, which means restoring the Apostolic and Prophetic ministry back into the body of Christ because we understand that the church is built on Christ Jesus the cornerstone and the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Eph. 2:20


Our Senior Pastors

Apostles John and Goodness Folasakin are the senior pastors of RIG DFW. They are also the founders and Global Directors of The Logos Networks Inc. They are the Visionaries of the West Texas Worship Conference and the Outpour Gathering. With Apostolic vision, a mandate, and a passion for raising up men and women of His Presence, John and Goodness have a mandate to empower God's people to pursue the heart of God and influence the culture around them for Jesus Christ. 

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Our Belief Statement

We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that Jesus, the Only begotten Son of God, the sinless life born of the virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit died on the cross for our sins, rose again and is seated at the right hand of the Father.


We believe that He sent us His Holy Spirit who is among us today bearing witness as the Spirit of Prophecy to the testimony of Jesus Christ in accordance to Revelation 19:10. That by the Spirit of prophecy, we are to bear witness to the life of Jesus and make disciples of every Nation.


We believe that Jesus has left us in the Earth to occupy until He comes. That means that our existence in the Earth as the church is not measured in attendance only but by the Grace given us by the Spirit of Prophecy to equip the church in accordance with Ephesians 4:7-11 to be effective in securing the victory all over the world that Jesus shed His blood to acquire for us.


We believe that the church are members of God’s household and fellow citizens of His Kingdom and further that the church is built on Christ Jesus the cornerstone and the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets.


We reject all assertions that the ministry of the Apostle and Prophet are no longer needed, further we reject all assertions that the Holy Spirit and His gifts are no longer needed today. To the contrary, we believe that the Kingdom of of our Lord Jesus Christ cannot be established on the earth without the Holy Spirit’s power and without the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets.

Our Culture and Values

We are a house that believes in fostering family, fellowship, and community. In our house we have a culture of;

Intentional Love


Prayer and Fasting


The Prophetic

Bible Study

Soul Winning








Radical Genorosity



If you would love to be part of this family and be a member of house, click on the link below to find out how.

Tel: 432-316-1745

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